Our personal goals for the year ahead

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Hardie Grant Media’s content marketing and PR staff look forward to a “defining” and “balanced” 2021.

Brittany Daniel

Happy new year! After a difficult 2020 (to say the least) we look back at what we learnt, what we are looking forward to and setting goals for the year ahead.  

Personally, last year has taught me a lot. It was a reminder to slow down and focus on what’s important. Life can get busy but when forced to stay home it reminded me that my health and spending time with loved ones was top of the list.  

Last year also created a lot of financial uncertainty, one of my personal goals this year is to focus on that area. I'll also be planning a trip to visit family in NZ (fingers crossed).  

Here is what the team at Hardie Grant Media and tide.pr learnt and what they are looking forward to in 2021.  

Fiona Headshot

Fiona Hardie, Chair 

What did you learn in 2020 that you will take with you to the new year? 

That everyone's different. People had so many different reactions to the way we were forced to live in 2020. And that each person's response needs to be acknowledged. We need to try to understand what's informing individual responses, especially those that are not positive, and help people find their way back to the new normal, in their own time frame. 

What are you looking forward to in 2021? 

Going to the Kimberley. Our 2020 trip was cancelled – it's back on for May 2021. 

What is one goal you wish to achieve by this time next year? 

To see Hardie Grant Media flying again, just as it was when COVID struck! 

Clare headshot

Clare Brundle, Deputy Managing Director 

What did you learn in 2020 that you will take with you to the new year?  

So. Many. Lessons. On a personal note, I’ll never again take for granted the ability to hop on a plane to the UK to see my family… 

On a professional note, I’ve learned that however much I like working from home on certain tasks, I’m much more suited to a blend of WFH and at the office. Heading back to work at 45 Jones Street a few days per week brought home quite how much I’ve missed and how I like the whole Sydney team. My office-based days are filled with so many more interesting conversations and laughter than when I’m at home on my own! 

What are you looking forward to in 2021?  

I truly believe that 2021 will be a defining year for Hardie Grant Media – in a very positive way. We’ve been gradually evolving the way we work and our services over the past few years, but I think how we present ourselves, what we do and how we do it will step up a gear next year.  

The same can be applied to the rest of the Hardie Grant business with so many ambitious and progressive projects underway. It’s a very exciting time to be part of a global media and publishing business full of great ideas and talented people. 

What is one goal you wish to achieve by this time next year? 

Good question, I have so many goals. At the company’s group level, I’m very interested in building on our investment in Hardie Grant’s people and culture so I’d hope to have a few key recommendations well underway and making a positive difference by then.  

For Hardie Grant Media, my main goal is to build back up the Sydney business to pre-COVID levels through maintaining our current mix of rewarding clients while seeking out new ones who would benefit from a one-stop-shop agency network such as ours. 

Kate Thompson Hardie Grant Media

Kate Thompson, Strategy Director 

What did you learn in 2020 that you will take with you to the new year? 

I learnt the importance of rituals to create boundaries between work, study, and life. Working remotely for the majority of the year has meant that home became headquarters and the only way to separate all the different things that were happening in my life was how I approached or thought about them.  

For example, things like what time of day I went for a walk or did yoga, or what type of tea I drank were little signals for me to switch gears into another headspace even though I was mostly in the same room. 

What are you looking forward to in 2021? 

I want live music and arts festivals to come back. While I’ve learnt a lot in 2020, and have plenty in my sights for 2021, my inspiration comes from the world around me and all the experiences I have with people and places.  

What is one goal you wish to achieve by this time next year? 

As yet there’s nothing concrete but I’ve been reflecting a lot on 2020 and all those months spent in lockdown. I feel like 2021 is going to be about living a full and balanced life – and being more present – both at work and with my family and friends. 

Lisa HGM Headshot

Lisa Marshall, Account Director, tide.pr 

What did you learn in 2020 that you will take with you to the new year? 

It’s okay to slow down and not to stress too much about the little stuff. 

What are you looking forward to in 2021? 

Travelling! (Hopefully) 

What is one goal you wish to achieve by this time next year? 

To bring in new business and spend more time with my family and friends than I did this year. 

Zoe headshot

Zoe Morley, Account Coordinator, tide.pr 

What did you learn in 2020 that you will take with you to the new year? 

Focusing on the "little things" in life, things I loved doing when I was younger but then life got busy and I forgot about them, such as cooking, painting, puzzles etc. I want to make sure I still make time for them next year. 

What are you looking forward to in 2021? 

I have only just started at tide.pr, it is my first PR job out of uni, so I am super excited for real-life events to come back and hopefully be involved in those! Plus, can’t wait to start travelling again too.  

What is one goal you wish to achieve by this time next year? 

To plan and execute an event successfully. 

Kerri HGM Headshot

Kerri Spillane, Senior Account Manager 

What did you learn in 2020 that you will take with you to the new year? 

That I can work from home and be productive. 

What are you looking forward to in 2021? 

Getting back to a non-COVID normality; seeing my colleagues more often and being able to go to the football at the MCG and Racing at Flemington. 

What is one goal you wish to achieve by this time next year? 

Achieve all my current magazine budgets and hopefully make up some of the 2020 short fall caused by COVID. 

Karyn Kyriacou, Senior Account Manager 

What did you learn in 2020 that you will take with you to the new year?  

Never taking get-togethers with family and friends for granted again. 

What are you looking forward to in 2021? 

Travelling and attending outdoor concerts, galleries and museums etc. The freedom to come and go as I please. 

What is one goal you wish to achieve by this time next year?  

Be healthier and aim to achieve my sales budgets. 

Courtney Nicholls, Publishing Manager, custom books 

What did you learn in 2020 that you will take with you to the new year? 

I think the biggest thing I’ve learned in 2020 is patience. This year has been massively disrupted both professionally and personally and we’ve all had to learn to take each day as it comes.  

Things haven’t happened at the pace we’re used to, and I’ve learned to take a deep breath and just wait things out. I hope to take that calmness into the new year. 

What are you looking forward to in 2021? 

Personally, I’m looking forward to reconnecting with people in real life – colleagues, friends, family.  

Professionally, I’m looking forward to building on the custom books portfolio – we’ve published some stunning books in 2020 and I can’t wait to see what we do next. 

What is one goal you wish to achieve by this time next year? 

I’m hoping to own my first home. Wish me luck. 

There are many things we have learnt that we will take with us into 2021. We are looking forward to the year ahead and smashing these personal and professional goals.

Brittany Daniel, publishing executive  

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